Tuesday, January 10, 2017

What's Registering on Your Mom Radar Today?

At some point over the course of your life as a mother and wife, you will develop mom radar. This is not something instantaneous, but rather a sort of spidey sense that evolves over time as you grow in your nurturing and care giving, 24-7 on-call role that basically never ends!

Your Mom Radar registers the faint cries of your infant on another floor of the house, even as multiple parties are hooting and hollering or there's a wild and frenzied shootout happening on the TV.

Your Mom Radar picks out your kid from a gaggle of children on the playground.

Your Mom Radar has your brain indexing the entire contents of the fridge, so that when your dear hubby asks, "WHERE'S THE MILK" you'll be able to provide an instantaneous and accurate response.

Your Mom Radar has you walking into a room and making a beeline for all the out-of-place items which you must then return to their proper designated locations because, after all, if you don't then who will?

Your Mom Radar is a homing device for lost toys, missing shoes, old sandwich remnants dropped in the back of the car, and of course, the nearest Dunkin Donuts or McDonald's drive thru in any unfamiliar town.

Your Mom Radar sends up a signal when someone sneaks into the kitchen for a cupcake from the dozen that you planned to bring to the bake sale tomorrow.

Mom radar buzzes rather loudly when your children are in the vicinity of unsavory individuals.

Mom radar knows when it's allergies, when it's a cold, and when it's time to see the doctor.

Mom radar can thwart a meltdown before it occurs!

Mom radar can register distress on the face of sister mom who is wearily trudging down the aisle of Shoprite accompanied by an oaf of a man who is subtly demeaning her! (Yes, I really saw this).

Mom radar has an open communication line to Santa so that mailed letters to the North Pole are not really necessary.

What sorts of signals did you pick up on your Mom Radar today? Leave a comment, get a link. :)


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