It's falling asleep in my son's bed during 7:30 story time, then waking up 2 hours later all "Oh, no! WTF, where am I!?"
Because if you take a NAP at 8 p.m. and wake up at 10, you know that you're not going to feel tired again until, OHH, 3 a.m., and that isn't really the ideal time to "go to bed" when you have to wake up at five-fucking-thirty!
I am writing in the blog right now because that's exactly what happened tonight. Do you know what this busy mom ain't got time for? Sitting there being idly awake when the rest of the world is sawing wood like they should be!
My husband is sawing wood right now, actually. This just compounds my problem of being awake at an inconvenient hour. When I finally realized (at midnight) that, hey, this whole sleep thing isn't working for me right now, who comes shuffling up the stairs but dear Hubby. Who, bless his soul, is dead to the world as soon as his head hits the pillow and stays that way all night.
Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Sleep and me, we have a special kind of love-hate relationship. Here are some things I've tried in the name of conquering the insomnia beast.
Yoga. I did my yoga this morning, and again, just before giving in to writing this. Did it work? No. Why would night time yoga relax and put me to sleep?
Meditation. This is something I'm not good at, and rarely feel inspired to do. I don't even really understand what meditation is. Sitting cross-legged on the floor with eyes closed, imagining a flickering candle flame, while attempting to clear my mental clutter?
Knitting. Knitting is supremely relaxing. But I don't feel like doing it right now. Maybe after I finish this post, I'll park myself in front of some Netflix comedy with some worsted and a pair of circulars.
Ear plugs. My dear hubby bought me a container of lady-sized ear plugs. They're pink foam. You squeeze them and shove in your ears, then they expand. I have my trusty ear plugs in now. They work pretty well, but tonight the hubs was really taking his snoring to new and impressive levels.
White noise. Window air conditioners... an insomniac's best friend! I use fans in the cooler months, and just position them so they're not blowing on us. I was hoping the fan would drown out hubby tonight, but alas, it did not.
Deepak Chopra's book on sleep. The cover is purple, it's a paperback, I think I may have sold it in a garage sale though. Among others, such as yoga and not eating late at night, his big breakthrough tip was to sip hot water all day every day. Hmmm. Oh, and I think he said to relax. Wow, what a revolutionary idea. Thank you, Mr. Chopra.
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