Monday, September 12, 2016

Now, as a Mom, I Do Things I Never Thought I'd Do

Here's a list of things I never imagined myself doing, that I regularly now do as a Mom.
Never say never, old dogs do learn new tricks, and (insert your favorite cliche remark about change here).

I drink wine. When I was young, I was a beer gal. But then I got a beer gut, and became fancy. Moms in their forties drink wine. What can I say, it's good! "Choosy Moms choose Bordeaux," as my dear friend Laura likes to say.

Keep my house in a semi- permanently clean state. I have never been a Type A, or at least I wasn't in my home life. But now, as the wife of a man who is always in Go Mode, I've learned to expect the unexpected. That means keeping my house as though someone were to pop in unexpectedly.

Feed my child dessert before dinner. I did this last night. Brought home a delicious berry pie from the orchard, and then thought about what would be the ideal time for him to eat it. After dinner would be bath, then bed... not a time for sugar-high. So, pre-dinner pie it was, and yes I had to threaten him that there would never be pie before dinner again if he didn't eat his hot dogs and beans. But yes - he did eat everything!

Serve hot dogs and beans to my kid. I'm mostly a "natural mama." I buy organic milk and chicken and grow my own backyard vegetables. I try to limit sweets (within reason). Hot dogs... well, we all know what they're made of. Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails, right? Yes - I made them for dinner last night. And I am not ashamed!!

Never talk on the phone. Nope - the eighties kid whose mom had to constantly pop onto the downstairs line and tell her to hang up, the college girl who had a 6+ hour conversation with her best guy friend who later became The Boyfriend, has no spare minutes to chat on the phone. Granted, I am a blogger, so the majority of my thoughts go to written communication. But oh, times have changed, haven't they! Are you a phone person? Were you ever?

Spend $600-800 a month on groceries. I admit, I must be doing something terribly wrong. The Facebook extreme couponers would probably have a coniption (sp?) if they heard about this. But I feel like there's always something coming up that requires some wild expenditure, or maybe it's just that Shoprite carries almost everything these days, including patio umbrellas.

Do you do stuff you never thought you'd do? How has motherhood and wifedom changed your life? Leave a comment, get a link.

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